exagon-bg Daniele Marcantoni

Daniele Marcantoni


Daniele Marcantoni was born in Rome (RM), Italy, on October 1, 1976, he obtained the Degree in Electronic Engineering with specialization in "Remote Sensing" (at the University of Rome "La Sapienza") on April 4, 2005.
He was hired by Elettronica SpA (Leading company in Electronic Warfare Systems) in July 2005: here he worked as an EW Analyst until May 2019, and as Signal Processing Focal Point since June 2019 in the same division.
Since February 2021 he is Principal Engineering for Innovative Algorithms & Signal Processing Functions in the Company's Research & Innovation (R&I) group.
His main interests concern the novel architecture of EW Systems, ultra high sampling rate ADC synchronization techniques, Phased Array design optimization and calibration, direction finding algorithms and Digital Receiver design.
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